Robots Are After Your Job: Exploring Generative AI for C++ - Andrei Alexandrescu - CppCon 2023


Discover how generative AI can revolutionize C++ development, improving algorithm performance, generating ideas, and augmenting human skill, but requiring proper understanding and application to achieve success.

Key takeaways
  • Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, can significantly improve the performance of algorithms, particularly those that involve search and optimization.
  • Proximity bias is important when searching for a target, as eliminating possibilities as early as possible can greatly reduce the number of comparisons needed.
  • Creativity comes from ideas, and Generative AI can help generate those ideas, saving time and effort.
  • Judgment is crucial in optimization, as it requires experience, knowledge, and strategy.
  • Early returns are unnecessary in search algorithms, as they can slow down the search process.
  • The algorithm should bias the search towards the left or right extreme to eliminate more elements at each step.
  • Memoization can be useful in optimization, but judgment is more important.
  • Generative AI can help in experimentation, reading files, and other tedious tasks, freeing up human developers to focus on more creative work.
  • Optimization should consider the context and the problem at hand, rather than relying solely on mathematical formulas.
  • Skill is essential in software development, and Generative AI can augment human skill, not replace it.
  • ChatGPT can help in code generation, but human judgment is still necessary to ensure correct and efficient code.
  • Using Generative AI in optimization can have significant benefits, but it requires proper understanding and application.