RTFM | Jessica Mauerhan

Developing empathy and effective communication skills as a programmer, recognizing that being respectful, kind, and helpful fosters a positive community where everyone can learn and grow together.

Key takeaways
  • Know that empathy is not learned easily, especially when you’ve never been exposed to it before.
  • Understand that a polite and respectful tone can go a long way in helping others.
  • Recognize that being a programmer doesn’t require being hostile or condescending.
  • Try to put yourself in others’ shoes and realize that everyone has something they’re struggling with.
  • Don’t assume that others are being lazy or not trying hard enough; sometimes they just need help.
  • Learn that admitting you don’t know something is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength.
  • Understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for one person may not work for another.
  • Realize that honesty and respect are crucial in building a positive community.
  • Learn to replace “RTFM” with a more constructive approach, like offering help and resources instead of curt responses.
  • Recognize that being a programmer doesn’t mean you’re above being wrong or making mistakes; everyone makes mistakes.
  • Understand that being a programmer doesn’t mean you’re above being respectful and kind; good communication is crucial in any community.
  • Know that empathy and understanding can take time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end.
  • Learn to be a good friend and teammate, even if you’re not a people person.
  • Realize that it’s okay to not know everything; it’s okay to ask for help and learn from others.
  • Understand that being a dominant expert doesn’t mean you’re above being wrong; everyone has something to learn.
  • Learn to focus on creating a positive community and building others up, rather than tearing them down.