Rust and Tell - Berlin - Case Study: Rust in axle OS by Philip Tennen

Learn how Rust was successfully integrated into Axle OS, a hobby operating system, to improve error handling, memory safety, and concurrency, featuring a case study on rewritring the ramdisk generator, TCP/IP stack, and GUI toolkit.

Key takeaways
  • Axle OS is a hobby operating system written in Rust.
  • The speaker rewrote the initial ramdisk generator in Rust.
  • GUI toolkit for Axle OS has been rewritten in Rust.
  • Shared memory mapping in Axle OS allows multiple processes to access the same memory space.
  • The speaker implemented a TCP/IP stack in Rust.
  • Rust is useful for the following features:
    • Error handling
    • Memory safety
    • Fast execution
    • Concurrency
  • Virtual memory mappings are a critical component of the Axle OS.
  • There are difficulties using C for building desktop applications.
  • Rust GUI toolkit for Axle OS has a case study:
    • Create a voidable task
    • Implement a function that happens after some time
    • Show how to build a two-way application with parallel processes
  • Rust is useful for making static analysis of iOS apps easier.
  • Event-driven programming is used in Axle OS.
  • The window manager has memory corruption liabilities.
  • The kernel writes messages into a queue for processing.
  • Sound jack and snippets are used for inter-process communication.