Rust and Tell - Berlin - Let our rusty crab explore the depths of the C by Yvan Sraka

Discover the depths of C and Rust interoperability, exploring the challenges and solutions for integrating these two languages in a seamless way.

Key takeaways
  • Development environment for Rust projects with C code: talk about own experiences and difficulties with integration.
  • The external keyword in Rust: explanation that it is not about visibility like a pub keyword, but about calling functions from outside the program.
  • Interoperability between Rust and C code: demo shows way to call Rust code from C and C code from Rust.
  • Pros and cons of using Rust: a mature language, fast and safe, but also complex to use.
  • FFI (Foreign Function Interface) in Rust: how to use it to communicate between Rust and C or other languages.
  • Problems with binding generation in Rust: how to generate bindings for C code in Rust.
  • Gravity language: demo of how to use Gravity to generate bindings for C code.
  • Interoperability solutions: talk about different solutions and how to choose the right one.
  • Rest and C interoperability: how to use Rest and C together to create a more robust system.
  • Askel language: overview of the language and its features.
  • Multiruntime: talk about how to control multiple runtimes from Rust.
  • Compilation and runtime execution: how to control compilation and runtime execution of code.
  • Cargo and Cabal: talk about how to use Cargo and Cabal to manage dependencies and build packages.
  • Msys2: talk about how to use Msys2 to manage and build Rust projects.
  • Rust and C interoperability: demo of how to use Rust and C together to create a more robust system.
  • Performance considerations: talk about performance considerations when using Rust and C together.
  • Interoperability with Python: demo of how to use Python with Rust and C.
  • Integration with D database: talk about how to use D database with Rust and C.