Rust Halifax - Rust & Tell #1

Explore the benefits of using Rust for graphics programming, embedded systems development, and more, with its memory safety, efficient graphics wrapper, and easy error handling, making it a versatile and powerful language.

Key takeaways
  • Rust’s memory safety compared to C and C++ is one of the reasons to use it, especially for embedded systems.
  • Rust provides a great way to work with different graphics APIs, such as OpenGL, WebGL, OpenGL ES, and Vulcan.
  • WGPU is an open-source, freely available, and highly efficient Rust wrapper around the Vulkan graphics API.
  • Using Rust for graphics programming allows for better performance and control over the GPU.
  • Rust’s category theory can be applied to its abstractions, allowing for higher-level overview of an application or API.
  • For embedded systems, Rust provides a safe and efficient way to work with hardware, and can be used for tasks such as parsing serialized schema and generating parsers on the runtime.
  • Rust’s applicative abstractions can be used to simplify complex parsers and combinators.
  • Rust’s ability to write code that runs on the GPU provides a high degree of performance and control over graphics rendering.
  • Rust’s embedded ecosystem is made up of many different parts, including the board support crate, the high driver crate, and the hull crate.
  • Rust’s platform abstraction allows for easy portability and compatibility with different operating systems.
  • Rust’s fast compilation time and minimal boilerplate code make it an attractive choice for rapid prototyping and development.
  • Rust’s error handling system is designed to be safe and easy to use.
  • Rust’s library for working with graphics, WGPU, is designed to be efficient and easy to use, and has been used as part of the Firefox browser.
  • Rust’s embedded systems development is supported by a variety of different libraries and frameworks, including the Calliope Mini board.