RustConf 2023 - Rust in the Wild: A Factory Control System from Scratch

Rust empowered a team of developers to build a factory control system from scratch, integrating cameras, robots, and APIs, and achieving significant efficiency gains in recyclable sorting.

Key takeaways
  • Rust was chosen for building a factory control system due to its promises of reliability, simplicity, and performance.
  • The speaker’s background in C++ and experience building complex systems made him skeptical of Rust, but he was convinced to try it out.
  • The project involved integrating multiple systems, including cameras, robots, and APIs, and required a significant amount of data processing and analysis.
  • Rust’s package ecosystem and quality of libraries made it an attractive choice for the project.
  • The team of developers, most of whom were new to Rust, were able to learn and integrate the language quickly, and the project was completed in a third of the time expected.
  • Rust’s focus on memory safety and concurrency made it an ideal choice for building a critical system like a factory control system.
  • The project’s success was due in part to the Rust community’s contributions to the ecosystem and the quality of the libraries used.
  • The speaker believes that Rust’s promises of reliability, simplicity, and performance are real and that it is a viable choice for building complex systems.
  • The project’s impact on the recycling industry is significant, with the ability to sort recyclables more efficiently and accurately than ever before.
  • The speaker hopes to continue using Rust for future projects and encourages others to do the same.
  • Rust’s ability to integrate with other languages and systems makes it a versatile choice for building complex systems.
  • The speaker believes that Rust’s focus on safety and reliability makes it an attractive choice for building critical systems.
  • The project’s success is a testament to the power of Rust and its ability to simplify complex systems.
  • The speaker’s experience with Rust has changed his perspective on the language and he now sees it as a viable choice for building complex systems.