Kathleen McMahon - Design Systems are a Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks

Discover the design system catch-all phrase "many pretty masks" and learn how prioritizing accessibility, simplicity, and user testing can improve user experience for all users, abilities included.

Key takeaways
  • Design systems are like a carnival, with many pretty masks hiding the complexity underneath.
  • Design systems should prioritize accessibility and consider the needs of users with different abilities.
  • A disclosure widget is a common pattern in design systems, used to open and close containers.
  • The anatomy of a disclosure widget includes a button that opens and closes a container, and returns focus to the button.
  • ARIA attributes are important for accessibility, and should be used to describe the role of the button and the container.
  • Design systems should prioritize separation of concerns and avoid mixing masks (i.e. combining different patterns or components).
  • Focus states are important for accessibility, and should be used to indicate which element has focus.
  • Design systems should prioritize user testing and feedback to ensure that all users are experiencing the design as intended.
  • The W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative page has guidelines for ARIA authoring practices and other accessibility considerations.
  • Design systems should prioritize simplicity and consistency, and avoid over-engineering or over-complicating the design.
  • Design systems should prioritize user needs and consider the needs of users with different abilities.
  • Design systems should prioritize documentation and provide clear guidelines for developers and designers.
  • Design systems should prioritize accessibility and consider the needs of users with different abilities.
  • Design systems should prioritize simplicity and consistency, and avoid over-engineering or over-complicating the design.
  • Design systems should prioritize user testing and feedback to ensure that all users are experiencing the design as intended.
  • Design systems should prioritize documentation and provide clear guidelines for developers and designers.
  • Design systems should prioritize accessibility and consider the needs of users with different abilities.
  • Design systems should prioritize simplicity and consistency, and avoid over-engineering or over-complicating the design.
  • Design systems should prioritize user testing and feedback to ensure that all users are experiencing the design as intended.
  • Design systems should prioritize documentation and provide clear guidelines for developers and designers.
  • Design systems should prioritize accessibility and consider the needs of users with different abilities.
  • Design systems should prioritize simplicity and consistency, and avoid over-engineering or over-complicating the design.
  • Design systems should prioritize user testing and feedback to ensure that all users are experiencing the design as intended.
  • Design systems should prioritize documentation and provide clear guidelines for developers and designers.