How to Bake a Change • Daniel Terhorst-North • GOTO 2023

Unlock the secrets to driving real change and progress in your organization with Daniel Terhorst-North's talk on baking a change, covering topics from adoption to visualization.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Progress is not about just changing the recipe, but also the way the organization works
  • Focus on knowledge instead of data; knowledge is what drives innovation and progress
  • Abundance mindset: assume there is always enough, and that abundance is a natural state
  • Experimentation: try new things, learn from them, and adjust accordingly
  • Quality consultants: often overcomplicate things, focus on automation and simplicity instead
  • Formal economics: often get it wrong, focus on the underlying cause of frustration instead
  • DevOps: is not just about speeding things up, but also about making things reliable and efficient
  • Automation: make work easier, not just faster
  • Small wins: start small, celebrate small wins, and build momentum
  • Collaboration: work together, eliminate, simplify, and automate
  • Purpose alignment: understand what people are doing, what they’re good at, and how to make it better
  • Visualization: visualize, eliminate, and simplify to make things easier to understand and manage
  • Agility: focus on adapting to change, not just being fast
  • Experimentation: try new things, learn from them, and adjust accordingly
  • Active listening: listen to what people are saying, not just what they’re doing
  • Incremental goodness: focus on making small, incremental improvements