Dublin Tech Summit 2022 : From the Front Lines of the Disinformation Wars

Join the disinformation wars, exploring nuances of misinformation, hate speech, and disinformation's impact on the information environment.

Key takeaways
  • The information environment is rapidly approaching a tipping point due to the increased investment in disinformation tactics.
  • State propaganda is becoming more sophisticated, with authoritarian governments using disinformation to shape narratives.
  • Misinformation, hate speech, and disinformation are a growing problem and need to be addressed through a blend of human judgment and machine learning.
  • Platforms need to do more to regulate content, and governments have a role in setting guidelines for disinformation.
  • The spread of disinformation is often tied to elections, and officials need to be trained to detect disinformation campaigns.
  • The military needs to be involved in addressing disinformation, but this requires a level of trust and coordination.
  • Hate speech and online misogynism are ongoing problems that need to be addressed.
  • Collaboration between platforms, governments, and civil society is crucial in addressing disinformation.
  • The spread of disinformation is often tied to technology, with the echo chambers and algorithms contributing to the spread of misinformation.
  • Disinformation has evolved over time, with the initial focus on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 US election, followed by other actors entering the space.
  • The internet has allowed for the globalization of disinformation, with many actors involved in spreading misinformation.
  • The goal is to make the internet safe, with quality journalism playing a crucial role.
  • Children need to be inoculated against misinformation, with the need for education on digital citizenship and online safety.
  • The public needs to be engaged in the fight against disinformation, with the need for more investment in technology solutions.
  • Data privacy is also a critical issue, with the need for regulations to protect individuals’ data.
  • A global information commons is needed to address the spread of disinformation.
  • Cultural infrastructure needs to be updated to address the challenges of the internet age.
  • Regulatory frameworks need to be developed to address disinformation, with a focus on transparency and accountability.
  • The spread of disinformation is a wicked problem that requires a holistic approach, involving government, technology, and civil society.
  • Education is key, with the need to teach critical thinking skills and online safety.
  • The internet is where the action is, with a focus on building the necessary infrastructure to address disinformation.