Samantha Schaevitz at StaffPlus London 2023

Discover the benefits and drawbacks of standardization in the workplace, including its impact on innovation, ownership, and team decision-making, and learn how to implement it effectively.

Key takeaways
  • Standardization should not be done too early or too late, but rather when it’s necessary to make things more efficient and scalable.
  • A standard solution can be a great fit if it’s well-designed and aligns with the organization’s goals, but it can also lead to people becoming too comfortable and not innovating.
  • Having a standard solution can also make things easier for new people to join a team, but it can also lead to people feeling like they’re not being allowed to solve their own problems.
  • It’s important to carefully consider why a standard solution is being introduced and to measure its impact to ensure it’s actually making things better.
  • Standardization can also lead to people losing their sense of ownership and motivation to innovate.
  • A central team can be used to establish and update standards, but it’s also important to give teams the freedom to make their own decisions and solve their own problems.
  • A standard solution should not be forced on a team, but rather offered as an option that can be taken advantage of.
  • Standardization can also lead to people feeling like they’re not being heard or allowed to contribute to the decision-making process.
  • A standard solution should be designed to be extensible and adaptable to new requirements.
  • It’s important to prioritize the business value of a standard solution and to measure its impact on the organization.
  • A standard solution can also lead to people feeling like they’re not being challenged or forced to innovate.
  • A standard solution should be designed to be easy to use and maintain, and should align with the organization’s goals and values.