DPC2019: Do you really need that relational DB? - Donatas Aleksandravičius

Discover whether you need a relational database in your web application design and explore alternative solutions for scalable and efficient data storage and retrieval.

Key takeaways
  • Question whether needing a relational database in web application designs
  • Caching problems become more complex when multiple users refresh the same page
  • Index management and query optimization become significant concerns for a relational database
  • Decouple storage from presentation by using a separate event-driven architecture
  • NoSQL database solution can be used for user-facing data due to its scalability and speed
  • Microservices architecture can simplify database connections between services
  • Separate databases should be used for different user-facing services based on their requirements
  • Write concerns for data consistency in multiple cache situations
  • Event-driven architecture separates updating data from displaying it, facilitating scalability
  • Trigger mechanisms based on events can facilitate synchronization in multiple services
  • Complex state problem in projectors can be simplified with reactive programming
  • Relational model is not suitable for modeling read-write data
  • Read models in front-end applications reduce coupling
  • Event-driven architecture increases extensibility and reusability by separating concerns