Serendipitous Liquidators - Audiovisual Live Coding Improvisation

Discover the innovative audiovisual live coding improvisation of Liquidators, exploring blockchain technology, remix, coupling, entanglement, and combining traditional art with digital media to create a digital common.

Key takeaways
  • Serendipity is a key concept in live coding collaboration, where unexpected results can lead to new insights and artistic expressions.
  • Liquidators are exploring the use of blockchain technology to track and facilitate the exchange of code snippets, known as Codelits, and to create a reputation system for live coders.
  • The concept of remix is important in live coding, where coders combine and modify each other’s code to create new and innovative works.
  • The use of audiovisual programming languages such as SuperCollider and Hydra allows for the creation of complex and dynamic audiovisual performances.
  • The idea of coupling and entanglement is crucial in live coding, where different digital structures and systems are combined to create new and interesting effects.
  • The concept of failure and problematizing what it means to find success in failure is an important topic in live coding, where experimentation and iteration are key.
  • The use of analog printing and film is also an important aspect of the Liquidators’ work, where they combine traditional artistic techniques with digital media.
  • The idea of creating a digital common, where coders can share and use each other’s code, is an important goal for the Liquidators.
  • The use of crypto and blockchain technology is being explored as a way to track and facilitate the exchange of Codelits and to create a reputation system for live coders.