Simplifying Writing and Reading Transactions On-Chain - Applications and Miners | #LDNBlockchain23

Simplify your blockchain transactions and data storage with inf Doug Barnes, discussing on-chain solutions, regulatory hurdles, and the importance of education and infrastructure for the growth of the industry.

Key takeaways
  • The current state of the blockchain industry is complex and technical, making it difficult for application builders and miners to handle transactions and data.
    • Service providers like TAL and Mint Blue can simplify the process, but there is still a need for education and business development to bring more people into the industry.
  • Simplifying writing and reading transactions on-chain is crucial for the growth of the industry.
  • The current infrastructure is limited, and there are still many technical issues to overcome, such as regulatory hurdles and a lack of talent in the industry.
    • Application builders and miners need reliable infrastructure providers that can simplify the process and provide a secure and scalable solution.
  • Data storage and indexing are major challenges in the blockchain industry.
    • What’s On Chain, a blockchain explorer, is working on a new iteration of their Live Client Toolbox to solve these issues.
  • ARC, a Bitcoin protocol, is an interesting solution for transaction processing and can be used by both application builders and miners.
  • The industry still needs to overcome the problem of scalabaility and complexity, making it difficult for new entrants to join and for existing businesses to scale.
    • Simplification of infrastructure and education of business stakeholders are key to overcoming this challenge.
  • Regulation is a major hurdle, and the lack of regulation can lead to corruption and other issues.
    • Blockchain solutions need to be transparent and independent to overcome this challenge.
  • The industry needs to educate business stakeholders about the potential of blockchain and how it can be used in their business.
    • Simplification of infrastructure and education are key to making blockchain more accessible to businesses.