Stablecoins mechanisms in search for stability by Emilio Frangella

Explore the mechanisms behind stablecoins, a type of cryptocurrency pegged to a target through an algorithm, and learn about the decentralized protocol ARPEG and its innovative approach to stablecoin governance and interest rate adjustment.

Key takeaways
  • A stablecoin is not a stablestore value of a dollar, but rather a value pegged to a target through an algorithm.
  • ARPEG (Automated Referral Program with Ethereum Governance) is a decentralized protocol for stablecoins.
  • The goal is to create a stablecoin that tracks the price of the dollar, with the ARPEG protocol controlling the governance.
  • There are two types of stablecoins: centralized (e.g., USDC, USDT) and decentralized (e.g., DAI, GO).
  • A decentralized stablecoin like GO is generated through an algorithm, with a unique mechanism for adjusting the interest rate.
  • The protocol works by creating a digital asset backed by a collateral deposit, which is then used to stabilize the value of the stablecoin.
  • The ARPEG protocol has a mechanism for adjusting the interest rate algorithmically.
  • The stablecoin is generated at the moment of redemption, with a fee paid at the moment of generation.
  • The goal of the stablecoin is to maintain a stable price, with the protocol controlling the governance and the interest rate.
  • The PEGKeeper state is used to track the price of the stablecoin.
  • The protocol has a difficult task of balancing the stability of the stablecoin with the liquidity of the market.
  • The stablecoin needs to have a strong demand, with the ability to adjust the interest rate.
  • The protocol has a mechanism for incentivizing or disincentivizing the creation of new LUSD.
  • The stablecoin needs to have a way to adjust the interest rate.