StaffPlus New York 2022 Bryan Liles

Join Bryan Liles at StaffPlus New York 2022 for a thought-provoking talk on the soft skills crucial for successful engineering. Discover the importance of humility, delegation, and resilience in overcoming common challenges and growing as engineers.

Key takeaways
  • To be better engineers, we need to swallow our pride and acknowledge our limitations
  • Delegation is essential, whether it’s to others or to technology
  • As engineers, we tend to focus on what, rather than how
  • Shame is a natural part of the journey, but we must learn to be resilient
  • Successful engineers are those who can build bridges, not only physically, but also metaphorically
  • To influence others, we must be willing to listen and learn from them
  • Emails should not be the default way to communicate, especially for important conversations
  • As leaders, we must be willing to take ownership of our decisions and actions
  • Technology can both amplify and hinder our abilities
  • We must prioritize self-reflection and acknowledge our imperfections to grow as engineers.