EuroPython 2024 - First-Time Speaker's Workshop

Prepare for a successful EuroPython 2024 presentation with our First-Time Speaker's Workshop, covering key concepts, note review, breathing exercises, and more to help you feel confident and prepared.

Key takeaways
  • It’s essential to prepare before a presentation, regardless of one’s experience.
    • Focus on the core messages and key concepts.
    • Divide the presentation into chunks, and practice delivery.
    • Review and refine notes to anticipate questions.
    • Practice breathing exercises to manage stress and nervousness.
  • The clicker becomes an extension of you, it’s crucial to maintain a strong connection with the screen and understand how to slide transition should be done.
  • Prioritize simple, clear, and descriptive language while presenting.
  • If unsure or struggling with material, it is better to admit uncertainties rather than rushing through or winging answers.
  • Keep in touch with the moderator to ensure harmonious hosting.
  • Make provisions for surprises and adapt whenever needed to avoid discomfort from the audience and host.
  • Live demos carry a higher degree of risk and technical difficulties; use pre-cooked solutions wherever possible.
    • Rehearse slides, visuals, and coding interactions before hands-on demos.