Keynote: Language Games - Eli Holderness - NDC Porto 2023

Discover the importance of language games, coding communication, and effective human interaction in this keynote talk on understanding the complexities of language and thought.

Key takeaways
  • Language is a game with rules, and breaking those rules can be necessary for effective communication.
  • The relationship between language and thought is not straightforward, and it’s possible to communicate abstract concepts using different words.
  • Humans are inherently imperfect, and our language is influenced by context, culture, and individual perspectives.
  • When communicating with humans, it’s essential to consider the rules of the language game, including the maxim of truth, relevance, and clarity.
  • Code reviews and commenting code are essential for ensuring that the ideas in your head are aligned with the code you write.
  • Effective communication involves understanding the context, including the assumptions and perspectives of the stakeholders and the people you’re working with.
  • Humans are not computers, and our language is not as precise as machine code. Therefore, it’s crucial to focus on readability and simplicity in our communication.
  • Communicating with humans involves understanding the subtleties of language, including nuance, idioms, and figurative language.
  • When communicating with computers, it’s essential to consider the rules of the language game, including the syntax and semantics of the programming language.
  • The relationship between language and thought is complex, and it’s possible to miscommunicate or misunderstand each other.
  • Humans are capable of learning and adapting, and our language can evolve over time to accommodate new ideas and perspectives.
  • Effective communication involves active listening, empathy, and understanding the perspective of the other person.
  • The concepts of language games, parole, and signifiers are essential for understanding how humans communicate.
  • The maxim of relevance is critical for effective communication, as it helps to ensure that the message is clear and relevant to the audience.
  • The maxim of truth is also essential, as it helps to ensure that the message is accurate and truthful.
  • The maxim of clarity is crucial for effective communication, as it helps to ensure that the message is clear and easy to understand.
  • The concept of pragmatics is essential for understanding how humans communicate, as it involves considering the context, audience, and purpose of the message.