Binary Thinking is destroying the World | Julia Wester

Join Julia Wester as she discusses how binary thinking is creating destructive conflict and polarization, and how to move towards equilibrium, balance, and constructive dialogue through factfulness, empathy, and open-mindedness.

Key takeaways
  • Binary thinking is destroying the world by creating polarization and destructive conflict.
  • We often have opinions and strong beliefs without doing our due diligence.
  • We need to recognize the importance of both sides of an issue.
  • We should strive for equilibrium and balance in our thinking.
  • We should not get so entrenched in our beliefs that we cannot see the other side’s perspective.
  • We need to recognize the importance of factfulness and evidence-based thinking.
  • We need to recognize the importance of empathy and understanding in conflict resolution.
  • We should strive to find common ground and build bridges between opposing groups.
  • We should recognize the importance of moderation and balance in our thinking.
  • We should strive to build solutions that benefit everyone.
  • We should not get caught up in rhetoric and inciteful language, but strive for constructive dialogue.
  • We should recognize the importance of openmindedness and learning from others.
  • We should recognize the importance of recognizing and respecting people’s beliefs and opinions.