Marysia Winkels - Data Storytelling through Visualization | PyData London 2023

"Learn how to effectively communicate data insights through visualization, while avoiding common pitfalls, and discover how storytelling with data can reveal trends and drive understanding."

Key takeaways
  • Data choices influence conclusions: even a few data points can give insight into the data, but may not reveal trends.
  • Visualization is a way of communicating data, not just making it look pretty: keep it clear, concise, and focused.
  • Avoid clutter: don’t show too much data or unnecessary details.
  • Summary statistics are not enough: actual exploratory visualization is needed to understand data.
  • Data storytelling is crucial: use visualization to tell a story with data, not just present information.
  • Color can guide attention: use color thoughtfully to draw attention to important aspects of the visualization.
  • Focus is critical: guide the reader’s attention to the most important aspects of the visualization.
  • Don’t try to deceive: be honest and transparent in your visualization and storytelling.
  • Exploratory visualization reveals insights: use it to explore data and find patterns.
  • Explanatory visualization tells a story: use it to tell a clear and concise story with your data.
  • Foundation, focus, and forward plans are key: establish a foundation, focus attention, and plan a call to action.
  • Data visualization is not just for analysis: it’s a way to communicate data insights to others.
  • Consider your audience: tailor your visualization and storytelling to your audience’s needs and preferences.