More C++ Ranges Please - Roi Barkan - CppCon 2023

Discover how to leverage the C++ ranges library to simplify complex problem-solving, break down systems into manageable layers, and combine components to achieve efficient solutions.

Key takeaways
  • So, breaking down a system into different layers can help reduce complexity and allow for easier maintenance.
  • Ranks can be thought of as dimensions or lengths of sequences, and understanding these ranks can help with problem-solving.
  • The ranges library in C++ provides many useful algorithms and data structures for working with sequences and ranges.
  • Thinking about libraries as building blocks can help with problem-solving and make it easier to combine different components together.
  • The idea of “going and catching rabbits” - or looking at other people’s code and trying to abstract it - can be a useful way to generate ideas and learn from others.
  • When designing APIs, it’s important to think about the preconditions and postconditions of different functions and algorithms.
  • The use of regular and algebraic data types can help simplify code and make it more maintainable.
  • The ranges library has the advantage of being able to take ideas from other languages and incorporate them into the standard.
  • There are many places where you can go to find ideas and solutions to problems, and it’s worth taking the time to explore and learn from others.
  • When writing code, it’s important to think about the problem you’re trying to solve and what kind of algorithm or data structure you need to use to solve it.
  • The idea of “permutation” - or rearranging a sequence of elements - can be a useful concept in problem-solving.
  • The ranges library provides many different algorithms and data structures for working with sequences and ranges, and understanding these different components can help with problem-solving.
  • When designing libraries, it’s important to think about the API and how different components will be used together.
  • There are many different ways to solve a given problem, and it’s worth exploring different approaches to find the one that works best.
  • The idea of “ranks” - or dimensions or lengths of sequences - can be a useful concept in problem-solving.
  • The use of projections can help simplify code and make it more maintainable.
  • The idea of “value semantics” - or the concept that objects have a specific value - can be a useful concept in problem-solving.
  • When writing code, it’s important to think about the problem you’re trying to solve and what kind of algorithm or data structure you need to use to solve it.
  • The ranges library provides many different algorithms and data structures for working with sequences and ranges, and understanding these different components can help with problem-solving.