State of the Jamstack Oct 2020 Keynote, Matt Biilmann of Netlify

Explore the latest innovations and advancements in the Jamstack, a wave of innovation in web development, with Matt Biilmann of Netlify in his Oct 2020 keynote.

Key takeaways
  • The Jamstack has become a wave of innovation in web development, expanding into areas like edge compute and services.
  • Traditional edge networks were just content delivery networks, but the Jamstack has evolved to include routing, compute, and data modeling.
  • The Jamstack is centered around a request-response cycle, but with Jamstack, we’ve reversed the flow, pushing pre-built assets to the edge and handling logic there.
  • Compute has become decoupled from the application server, with Netlify Functions and edge handlers.
  • General-purpose compute and data storage are being delegated to services like Stripe and Contentful.
  • Build systems are becoming simpler, with a focus on atomic deploys and continuous integration.
  • The Jamstack is shaking up the way we think about web development, with a focus on simplicity, scalability, and maintainability.
  • Edge handlers enable writing of simple handlers that run directly at the edge during the request-response cycle.
  • Netlify has introduced edge handlers for anything from authentication to personalization to resource-oriented architecture.
  • The Jamstack is not just about static sites, but about dynamic web applications as well.
  • The use of Jamstack with Stripe allows for complex authentication patterns, without the need for a monolithic application.
  • The Jamstack is not just about edge compute, but also about services, with services like Algolia and Fauna.
  • The Jamstack is not just about individual companies or teams, but about the larger ecosystem of web developers and framework authors.
  • The Jamstack has evolved to include features like caching, CDNs, and edge compute, and has become a vibrant ecosystem.