Stress free onboarding as a Staff+ engineer | LeadDev Broadcasts

Learn how to thrive as a Staff+ engineer with a stress-free onboarding process. Discover the importance of planning, learning, relationships, and continuous growth, and how to stay focused on your strengths and goals.

Key takeaways
  • It’s okay to not know everything when onboarding as a Staff+ engineer.
  • Provide a clear plan, priorities, and goals to help guide the onboarding process.
  • Understand your learning style and preferences to learn more efficiently.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek help when needed.
  • Build relationships with colleagues and establish a network of go-to people.
  • Focus on understanding the organization’s vision, goals, and values.
  • Take time to learn about the team’s history, architecture, and systems.
  • Identify areas of interest and expertise to contribute to the organization’s goals.
  • Develop an onboarding plan that is intentional and tailored to your needs.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others; focus on your own strengths and progress.
  • Leverage your skills, experience, and expertise to make a meaningful contribution.
  • Seek feedback and be open to learning from others.
  • Prioritize continuous learning and growth throughout your onboarding process.
  • Establish a routine and stick to it, even when faced with pressure or resistance.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your team and leadership.
  • Don’t worry about looking like an expert immediately; focus on learning and growth.
  • Collaborate with colleagues and share knowledge to stay informed and shared knowledge.
  • Trust in yourself and your abilities; you were chosen for a reason.
  • Look for opportunities to learn from others and gain new insights.
  • Prioritize building relationships and networks over technical knowledge alone.
  • Focus on learning the “why” behind the what, to understand the organization’s goals and vision.