How Deciding to Break Up With Customers Will Help Rebank 10x | Juan Andrade, Founder, Rebank

Discover how founder Juan Andrade grew his fintech company 10x by recognizing the need to cut ties with underperforming customers and focusing on key activities that drive growth.

Key takeaways
  • Breaking up with customers can be a 10x growth accelerator: Juan Andrade, founder of Rebank, shares his experience of growing 10x by recognizing that his company needed to cut ties with underperforming customers.
  • Ditch unnecessary commitments: Juan talks about the importance of letting go of non-essential tasks to focus on key activities that drive growth.
  • Rebank’s pivot: The company initially focused on building a complex product, but eventually simplified their workflow and transitioned to a more straightforward approach.
  • Simplifying payment workflows: Juan highlights the importance of streamlining payment workflows to allow for experimentation and innovation.
  • Learning from failures: Juan emphasizes the need to learn from failures and not be too attached to a particular vision or plan.
  • The importance of sleep: Juan stresses the importance of getting enough sleep to maintain mental and physical well-being, citing his own experiences with burnout.
  • Practice what you preach: Juan recommends letting go of commitments and focusing on what’s truly important, and applying this approach to one’s personal life as well.
  • Open banking movement: Rebank is working on making finances easier for customers by breaking down complex financial systems into a single page.
  • Y Combinator and SaaStock: Juan talks about his experience with Y Combinator and SaaStock, highlighting the importance of building a network and community.
  • Competition and wins: Juan shares his experiences with competing in pitch competitions and winning, and the confidence boost it gives.
  • Time management and focus: Juan stresses the importance of managing one’s time effectively and focusing on what’s truly important to avoid burnout.
  • Growth mindset: Juan advocates for adopting a growth mindset, where you’re constantly learning and improving.
  • The importance of communication: Juan highlights the importance of clear and effective communication with customers and colleagues.