Sujit Pal - Building Learning to Rank models for search using LLMs | PyData Global 2023

Discover how to build efficient Learning to Rank models for search using Pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs). Learn about the benefits of transfer learning, pairwise models, and pre-training techniques for high-quality search results.

Key takeaways
  • Using transformers for search ranking can build learning to rank models
  • Point-wise regression and pairwise models, such as RankNet, LambdaRank, and LambdaMart, are used
  • Creating relevance judgments for queries can be costly and time-consuming, so using pre-trained LLMs can be useful
  • Pre-training LLMs on a dataset can be valuable for search applications, even if labels are not provided
  • Using Transformers for search ranking can improve learning to rank models and provide high-quality search results
  • The results of the evaluation showed that pre-trained LLMs can be valuable for search applications
  • The use of Transfer Learning in NLP-based search applications can provide high-quality search results
  • Pairwise learning to rank models, such as RankNet, LambdaRank, and LambdaMart, can provide better results compared to point-wise models
  • Pre-training language models for specific tasks or domain can provide high-quality models for search applications
  • Learning to Rank models can be applied to different domains and are not limited to one specific domain.
  • Using pre-trained language models for information retrieval can be beneficial and improve search ranking.
  • There is a need to generate a lot of judgment data for pair-wise ranking, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive task.
  • To make the judgment creation process more efficient, a strategy based on random sampling was used in this experiment.
  • This approach leads to faster convergence and better results compared to collecting all judgment data.
  • The results demonstrate that pre-trained language models can effectively learn to rank documents for complex search queries.