Theodore Meynard - MLflow workshop | PyData London 2023

Machine learning model deployment and real-time iteration with MLflow and Airflow, overcoming challenges in accuracy, latency, and infrastructure scalability, and building a robust system with error detection and customization.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker faced challenges in deploying a machine learning model to production, including handling user signals, data sets, and model changes.
  • The team used MLflow for model training and deployment, and Airflow for orchestration and automation.
  • The speaker emphasized the importance of having a clear interface (e.g., MLflow) and being able to analyze and iterate on the model in real-time.
  • The team faced issues with model accuracy and latency, and had to implement solutions such as incremental model updates and health checks.
  • The speaker discussed the importance of having a scalable and fault-tolerant infrastructure (e.g., Kubernetes) to handle model deployment and inference.
  • The team used sampling data to validate and test the model, and then deployed it to production using MLflow and Airflow.
  • The speaker highlighted the challenges of handling model changes and updates in production, and emphasized the importance of having a system in place to detect and handle errors.
  • The team used Argo for deployment and rollback of the model, and Airflow for orchestration and automation.
  • The speaker mentioned the importance of having a clear understanding of the user signals and data sets used in the model, and the need for customization and personalization.
  • The team used Databricks for data processing and analysis, and MLflow for model training and deployment.
  • The speaker discussed the importance of having a strong infrastructure and automation in place to handle model deployment and inference, and highlighted the challenges of doing so.
  • The team used an open-source platform (e.g., MLflow) and Kubernetes for scalability and fault tolerance.
  • The speaker emphasized the importance of having a clear understanding of the model’s performance and limitations.
  • The team used incremental model updates and health checks to ensure the model’s performance and accuracy.
  • The speaker discussed the importance of having a system in place to detect and handle errors, and highlighted the challenges of handling model changes and updates in production.