Surrealist Tone Setting

Explore the intersection of surrealism and technology as the speaker uses Unreal Engine to create innovative digital art, pushing boundaries and challenging systems.

Key takeaways
  • Surrealism is a way to push boundaries and disrupt systems.
  • Technology can be an agent of surrealism, enabling new forms of art and self-expression.
  • The speaker uses Unreal Engine to create digital collages and art pieces.
  • They believe in the importance of intuition and creating something without fully planning it.
  • The process of creating art can be meditative and help to recontextualize objects.
  • The speaker likes to work with materials and textures, and believes in the importance of experimentation.
  • They are inspired by the work of Mera Oppenheim and believe in the importance of exploring new forms of art.
  • The Unreal Engine has many features that can be used to create art, such as node-based logic and shaders.
  • The speaker believes that art can be used to disrupt and subvert systems and schools of thought.
  • They believe in the importance of continuing to learn and explore new forms of art.
  • The Unreal Engine is a powerful tool that can be used to create a wide range of art forms.
  • The speaker is drawn to the Unreal Engine because of its ability to enable transgressions and challenge boundaries.