Chris Boos | AI Is Happening Now, Deal with It or Die | Rise of AI Conference 2022

"Join Chris Boos as he challenges current thinking on AI, digital sovereignty, and the need for a mindset shift to succeed in this rapidly evolving landscape, emphasizing the importance of human collaboration and adaptability."

Key takeaways
  • Change our mindset to be more accepting of AI as a problem solver.
  • Understand the difference between digital sovereignty and industrial sovereignty.
  • Control of energy and hardware is crucial for digital sovereignty.
  • AI is not just about pattern matching, but about applying itself to create individual solutions.
  • Humans are not meant to work in industrial machines, but in ecosystems that evolve.
  • Security is a difficult problem and requires a change in mindset.
  • AI can create individual solutions, but it requires a mindset shift.
  • Digital sovereignty consists of two parts: executing and knowing.
  • AI is not just about technology, but about people and their ability to work together.
  • AI can create an individual solution, but it requires a mindset shift.
  • Humans are not good at security by design, but AI can take over the work.
  • It takes a large investment to be good at AI.
  • There are two big key technologies that drive the entire system: compute power and storage power.
  • Cyber is extremely dangerous in the political sense and requires a change in mindset.
  • AI can create individual solutions, but it requires a mindset shift.
  • Digital sovereignty is not just about regimes, but about individuals.
  • It’s not technology, it’s people.