SAINTCON 2016 - Ashok Banerjee - Anatomy of Cyber Attacks and Cybersecurity Defense

Discover the anatomy of cyber attacks and defenses, covering evolving tactics, targeted attacks, and the importance of user behavior and education to prevent devastating breaches.

Key takeaways
  • Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated, with hackers constantly evolving tactics to evade detection.
  • Anatomy of a cyber attack typically involves reconnaissance, exploit, escalation, and exfiltration.
  • Buffer overflow attacks have been replaced by SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Targeted attacks are becoming more prevalent, and hackers are using social engineering to manipulate employees.
  • Email-based attacks are a major concern, with hackers using phishing, spear phishing, and malware to gain access.
  • Network security is critical, and firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) are essential.
  • Encryption is crucial, and hackers are using techniques like return-oriented programming (ROP) to bypass security measures.
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence are being used to improve security, but flaws can still be exploited.
  • The gray area between security and usability is a major concern, as hackers are finding ways to exploit vulnerabilities in software.
  • Content analysis and behavioral monitoring are important for detecting malicious activity.
  • Blacklisting and whitelisting are inadequate, and a layered approach to security is necessary.
  • User behavior and employee education are critical for preventing attacks.
  • Encryption and decryption keys are a major concern, as hackers can use techniques like brute force to crack codes.
  • The dernni gedov threat has become a significant concern, with hackers using malware and ransomware to disrupt businesses.
  • The rise of the OWASP Top 10 and the importance of security testing and auditing are recognized industry trends.
  • The increasing use of virtualization and cloud computing has introduced new security challenges.
  • The concept of “security” has evolved over time, from a focus on technical controls to a broader understanding of threats and vulnerabilities.