Driving DE&I in Tech: Insights from Top Women Leaders | #WomenInTech #DubTechSummit

Discover the insights from top women leaders on driving Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in tech, including strategies for hiring and retaining women, overcoming biases, and creating a culture of inclusivity.

Key takeaways
  • To drive DEI in tech, it’s essential to set a baseline and measure progress.
  • Women in tech are often overlooked and undervalued, and it’s crucial to create opportunities for them to shine.
  • Companies should focus on hiring and retaining women through various channels, including mentorship and sponsorship programs.
  • Despite challenges, women in tech can thrive and make a significant impact with the right support.
  • To overcome biases, companies must educate employees on the importance of diversity and inclusion.
  • Role modeling is critical in creating a culture of DEI, and leaders must set the right example.
  • Daily engagement and communication are vital for success, and companies should strive to create an inclusive environment.
  • It’s essential to disrupt traditional norms and encourage diversity of thought and background.
  • Companies should focus on metrics such as promotion rates and salaries to measure their progress in achieving DEI.
  • Companies should create alternative paths for individuals to enter the tech industry, including education and job training programs.
  • Authenticity and confidence are essential for women in tech, and companies should create a culture that supports them.
  • Education and awareness are key to promoting DEI in the tech industry.
  • Companies must be willing to make changes and adapt to diversity and inclusion.
  • Women in tech can be leaders and decision-makers, and companies must recognize their value.
  • Inclusion and diversity are critical for innovation and success in the tech industry.