Coaching autism traits in tech | Dennie Declerq | LeadDev Berlin 2023

Coaching individuals with autism requires understanding of their unique needs, communication styles, and special interests. Learn strategies to effectively coach and support individuals with autism, and empower them to thrive in tech and beyond.

Key takeaways
  • Context is everything: Understand that people with autism have a different stimuli response system and may need more context to understand situations.
  • Communication is key: Communicate clearly and directly, and ask for reformulation if needed.
  • Be mindful of stimuli: Be aware of the environment and adjust it to the person’s needs.
  • Everyone has special interests: Recognize and accept people’s special interests, as they can be a source of energy and motivation.
  • Don’t assume one-size-fits-all: Understand that people with autism are not lazy or unwilling to change, but may need different approaches to succeed.
  • Empathy is crucial: Put yourself in others’ shoes and try to understand their perspective.
  • Challenging is good: Challenge people to grow and thrive, but do it in a way that is respectful and considerate of their needs.
  • Autism is not a disorder: Recognize that autism is a neurological difference, not a disorder or a defect.
  • Leaders should provide context: Leaders should provide context and understanding to help people with autism thrive.
  • Everyone can coach: Anyone can coach people with autism, including managers and co-workers.
  • Be aware of deadlines: Be mindful of deadlines and adjust them if necessary to accommodate people with autism.
  • Context blindness is a thing: People with autism may experience context blindness, where they struggle to understand the context of a situation.
  • Everyone is a little bit autistic: Recognize that everyone has some autistic traits, and that it’s okay to be different.