Talks - Hannah, Lalleh, Timothy, Uma: Instrumentation Nightmares: A review of our toughest cases

Instrumentation nightmares: Review of tough cases and best practices for monitoring application performance.

Key takeaways
  • Instrumentation can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, but it’s essential for monitoring application performance.
  • Start with a clear understanding of the application’s architecture and requirements.
  • Identify the most critical components and prioritize instrumentation efforts accordingly.
  • Use a combination of logging, metrics, and distributed tracing to gain a comprehensive view of application behavior.
  • Consider using an instrumentation framework or library to simplify the process and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Be mindful of instrumentation overhead and minimize the impact on application performance.
  • Implement instrumentation in small, incremental steps, starting with the most critical components and gradual progress.
  • Test and validate instrumentation configurations thoroughly to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Make instrumentation a standard part of the development process, and enforce instrumentation best practices throughout the organization.
  • Continuously monitor and improve instrumentation configurations as the application evolves and new requirements emerge.
  • Consider using AI-powered instrumentation tools to automate and optimize instrumentation efforts.
  • Educate developers on instrumentation best practices and advocate for instrumentation awareness throughout the organization.
  • Establish instrumentation standards and guidelines for the organization.
  • Continuously monitor and measure the effectiveness of instrumentation efforts and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Maintain a clear and comprehensive documentation of instrumentation configurations, and make it accessible to the entire team.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve instrumentation configurations for new features and added complexity.
  • Demand accountability for instrumentation efforts, and ensure that developers are held responsible for the accuracy and reliability of instrumentation.
  • Prioritize instrumentation that provides the most value to the organization, and focus efforts on the most critical components.
  • Instrumentation should provide visibility into application performance, detect and diagnose issues, and inform optimization efforts.