RailsConf 2024 - How to Accessibility if You’re Mostly Back-End by Hilary Stohs-Krause

Learn how to prioritize accessibility in your Rails development, from coding conventions to documentation, and ensure that your work is inclusive and usable by everyone.

Key takeaways
  • Make accessibility a priority in development, even if you’re mostly back-end.
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs in documentation for better comprehension and accessibility.
  • Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and ambiguities in coding and documentation.
  • Write tests to tell a story, making it easier for others to understand what’s happening.
  • Consider cognitive considerations, such as individuals with disabilities or language barriers.
  • Personalize interactions with the tech stack to accommodate different abilities.
  • Use semantic HTML and clear formatting to improve screen reader accessibility.
  • Keep code structure and documentation organized and easy to follow.
  • Prevent jargon and technical terms that may be unfamiliar to some readers.
  • Support language accessibility by using plain language and avoiding ambiguity.
  • Keep in mind that blindness is a spectrum, and there are many conditions that can affect vision.
  • Use clear and concise language in code comments and documentation.
  • Consider different learning styles and focus on making documentation accessible.
  • Make tests accessible, using voice assistants or braille variants.
  • Avoid using images of text or code samples, which can be challenging for screen readers.
  • Support colorblind individuals by using contrasting colors and avoiding red-green color schemes.
  • Be aware of common accessibility issues, such as font sizes and line heights.
  • Consider abbreviation fatigue and provide written-out words for clarity.
  • Keep documentation and testing processes structured and consistent.
  • Be aware of cultural context, avoiding assumptions or gender-related language.
  • Make documentation and coding accessible to individuals with dyslexia or ADHD.