Tarirah: The Chip Show: How Not To Design a CPU

Discover the design pitfalls of the rarely heard about CPU Tarirah, and learn how not to make the same mistakes in your own CPU design endeavors.

Key takeaways
  • The presentation shares a personal anecdote about designing a CPU, Tarirah, which didn’t turn out well.
  • CPUs are complex and difficult to design, with many possible pitfalls.
  • The speaker highlights some common mistakes made in CPU design, including failing to understand the target audience and lacking clear goals.
  • CPUs can be complex and difficult to test, making it hard to identify and fix problems.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of planning and understanding the target audience when designing a CPU.
  • The presentation also touches on the concept of parallelism in CPU design.
  • AMD is mentioned as a company that has faced challenges in CPU design.
  • The presentation concludes with a message of caution, emphasizing the need for careful planning and attention to detail in CPU design.