The Definitive Deep Dive into the .git Folder | Rob Richardson

Get a detailed look at the inner workings of the .git folder, including its files and folders, and learn how to master Git commands like ls-files, log, cat-file, add, commit, push, reset, cherry-pick, stash, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Git is a double-entry bookkeeping system that keeps track of all changes.
  • The .git folder contains all the files and folders that make up the Git repository.
  • The refs folder contains the human-readable labels that point to the commits.
  • The hooks folder contains scripts that can be executed at different stages of the Git workflow.
  • The objects folder contains the actual data stored in the repository, including commits, trees, and blobs.
  • The HEAD file points to the current branch or commit.
  • The config file contains the configuration settings for the repository.
  • The index file keeps track of the changes made to the repository.
  • Git can be configured to run scripts at different stages of the workflow using hooks.
  • The git ls-files command can be used to list all files in the repository.
  • The git log command can be used to view the commit history.
  • The git cat-file command can be used to view the contents of a file in the repository.
  • The git add, git commit, and git push commands can be used to create and manage commits.
  • The git reset command can be used to reset the index and the HEAD to a specific commit.
  • The git cherry-pick command can be used to apply a specific commit to the current branch.
  • The git stash command can be used to temporarily store changes.
  • The git log --graph command can be used to visualize the commit history.
  • The git log --one-line command can be used to view the commit history in a one-line format.
  • The git ls-files -d command can be used to list all files in the repository that are not under version control.
  • The git gc command can be used to garbage collect objects in the repository.