The Origins of Opera & the Future of Programming • Jessica Kerr • YOW! 2018

Exploring the parallels between the origins of opera and the future of programming, Jessica Kerr reveals how embracing failure, collaboration, and systems thinking can lead to innovation and growth.

Key takeaways
  • Art has an impact on people and can change how they act in the world.
  • Many failed experiments are necessary for success.
  • Collaborative learning is essential for growth.
  • There is no zero-sum game in a “semathesie”.
  • The line of representation between social and technical spaces lies between the flow of money and the size of the system.
  • Collaboration and mutual learning are crucial for building complex systems.
  • The Camerata, an invisible college, was a group of artists and scientists who dared to ask revolutionary questions.
  • The concept of “somathesie” refers to a system based on mutual learning and growth.
  • The market is a “somathesie” and GDP is not a measure of its size.
  • The scientific method was emerging during the Renaissance and was influenced by the Camerata.
  • Systems thinking is an essential tool for understanding complex systems.
  • The Camerata’s innovations in music led to the emergence of opera.
  • The concept of “synergy” refers to the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Collaboration is essential for building complex systems.
  • The line of representation between social and technical spaces lies between the flow of money and the size of the system.
  • The Camerata’s emphasis on rational thought and experimentation led to innovation.
  • The scientific method was influenced by the Camerata’s emphasis on experimentation.
  • Systems thinking is essential for understanding complex systems.
  • The concept of “somathesie” refers to a system based on mutual learning and growth.
  • The market is a “somathesie” and GDP is not a measure of its size.
  • Synergy is essential for building complex systems.
  • Collaboration is essential for building complex systems.
  • The concept of “synergy” refers to the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • The concept of “somathesie” refers to a system based on mutual learning and growth.
  • Synergy is essential for building complex systems.
  • Collaboration is essential for building complex systems.
  • The concept of “somathesie” refers to a system based on mutual learning and growth.
  • Synergy is essential for building complex systems.
  • Collaboration is essential for building complex systems.
  • The concept of “somathesie” refers to a system based on mutual learning and growth.