The Pearls and Pitfalls of DateTime by Mahmoud Abdelghany

Learn how to tackle complex DateTime challenges in software, from time zone changes and epoch conversions to API design patterns and forensic timestamp requirements.

Key takeaways
  • DateTime handling is complex and error-prone, with many edge cases around time zones, formats, and epochs

  • Time zones are not static - cities/regions can change their time zones, appear or disappear over time, requiring use of time zone databases that need regular updates

  • Converting everything to UTC is not a complete solution - historical dates still need original time zone context to be interpreted correctly

  • API design for date/time is challenging - many popular libraries and frameworks handle dates differently (Java Date, C#, Python), leading to compatibility issues

  • Date/time values can have different epochs (Unix, DOS, Excel etc.), formats (binary vs string), and resolutions (seconds vs microseconds)

  • Always store both UTC timestamp and original time zone offset to maintain data integrity and auditability

  • Date parsing and formatting is dangerous - ambiguous formats (MM/DD vs DD/MM), lenient vs strict parsing, and localization issues can cause errors

  • Time zone databases like IANA need regular updates to handle changes in daylight savings and political time zone modifications

  • For forensics and legal applications, accurate timestamp handling is critical as it can affect evidence validity

  • No silver bullet solution exists - proper date/time handling requires understanding the specific use case, testing edge cases, and using appropriate tools/libraries