Tracy Teal - Scientific and technical publishing with Python and Quarto | SciPy 2023

Discover how Quarto and Cordo can simplify scientific and technical publishing with Python, enabling seamless conversion to various formats, interactive elements, and automated publishing processes.

Key takeaways
  • Quarto ecosystem is designed to focus on a broad set of publishing formats, including websites, blogs, and books, using standard Pandoc Markdown.
  • Cordo is a technical publishing system that builds on standard Pandoc Markdown, making it easy to author and convert documents to various formats.
  • Cordo allows for automatic generation of DOIs and can render Jupyter Notebooks to PDF, HTML, and other formats.
  • Shiny is a part of the Cordo ecosystem, allowing for interactive elements in documents.
  • Interactivity can be achieved through Stout or Shiny Live.
  • Quarto is compatible with Pandoc Markdown, so existing Pandoc knowledge can be applied.
  • The Quarto team is responsive and welcomes feedback and suggestions.
  • There are plans to improve the publishing process and automate more aspects of it.
  • Jupyter Notebooks can be used as a first-class format for publishing.
  • The idea of rendering Jupyter Notebooks to PDF, HTML, and other formats is neat.
  • Quarto can combine interactive elements with data analysis and communication.
  • Automatic versioning and linking of references is possible with Cordo.
  • The team wants to hear from users and is open to suggestions for improvement.
  • Quarto and Cordo are designed to make publishing more accessible and easy to use.
  • The next version of Cordo (version 1.4) will see further improvements in the publishing process.
  • The idea of having a single place to store all data and code for a paper is appealing.
  • The Cordo team is enthusiastic about the potential of Cordo and is looking forward to hearing from users.
  • Interactivity in documents is important for making data more accessible and understandable.