Tutorials - Trey Hunner: Intro to Python for Brand New Programmers

Learn the fundamentals of Python programming with this beginner-friendly tutorial, covering basic syntax, variables, control structures, functions, modules, error handling, and more.

Key takeaways

Basic Syntax

  • Python has a syntax similar to math, but with a different operator system
  • Operators can be used to add, multiply, and divide numbers

Variables and Types

  • Variables are used to store values and are case-sensitive
  • Numbers can be integers or floats
  • Strings are sequences of characters, which can be concatenated together
  • Lists are mutable sequences that can be used to store multiple values

Control Structures

  • Conditional statements (“if” and “elif”) are used to make decisions in code
  • Loops (“for” and “while”) are used to repeat actions
  • An “else” clause can be used with “if” and “elif” statements


  • Functions are reusable blocks of code that can be called multiple times
  • Functions can take arguments and return values *_functions.py is used to define and call functions

Modules and Imports

  • Modules are reusable code libraries that can be imported into other code
  • The “import” statement is used to bring a module into the current code
  • The “import math” statement is used to bring the math module into the current code

Exception Handling

  • Errors can occur in code when syntax or runtime errors occur
  • Exception handling is used to catch and handle errors in code
  • The “try” and “except” keywords are used to define error handling code


  • The len() function is used to get the length of a sequence (such as a list or string)
  • The type() function is used to get the type of an object
  • The “print()” function is used to output text or values to the console
  • The “input()” function is used to get input from the user and store it in a variable