"Unmanned Systems Flight Planning with Clojure" by Heow Goodman

Unmanned Systems Flight Planning with Clojure: Discover how Clojure is used to build a powerful and scalable software system with microservices development and Singleton classes for superior performance and maintenance.

Key takeaways
  • Unmanned Systems Flight Planning with Clojure
  • 25,000 lines of codebase using Clojure, ClojureScript, Polylith, Reagent, Reframe, Babashka
  • Administering, collecting, and disseminating information
  • Using Kubernetes for microservices development
  • Creating advisories for public safety, emergency services, and commercial users
  • Using Clojure to outrun competition with powerful feature set and easy maintenance
  • Creating a Singleton class in Clojure for a loop in which 87% of the codebase is written
  • Developing DevOps practices to work efficiently and cleanly
  • Centralized management of advisories and services through Reagent and Reframe
  • Utilizing Babashka for builds and deployment
  • Implementing a strongly typed language using Clojure for better code integrity
  • Using Clojure for production-quality, scalable software development
  • Actively developing new features and maintaining existing ones
  • Using a unique system for data as a public service, collecting and disseminating information with the help of Clojure
  • Using Kubernetes for clusters and containerization
  • Using various data sources such as local governments, GIS systems, and FAA systems.