Viktor Farcic – DevOps Is All About Building Internal Developer Platform (IDP)

Discover the power of Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) and learn how to enable developers to work efficiently, make changes independently, and create custom solutions that drive innovation.

Key takeaways
  • A DevOps is not about building things to solve problems, but about building internal developer platform (IDP) to enable developers.
  • The presentation highlights the need for developers to be self-sufficient and have the freedom to make changes without waiting for others.
  • IDP is a layer of tooling and processes that enable developers to work efficiently.
  • Kubernetes was not designed to be a platform that runs containers exclusively, but as a control plane that manages the state between Git and the actual state.
  • Custom resource definitions (CRDs) allow for extending Kubernetes capabilities.
  • Crossplane is an example of a service that can be used to manage CDNs, databases, and other services.
  • IDP is not about giving developers access to AWS, but about enabling them to use services that can be consumed.
  • GitOps enables the workflow between Git and the actual state, allowing for continuous reconciliation.
  • The presentation focuses on building internal platforms, not just AWS or Kubernetes.
  • Developers need to be able to define what they want to create, manage, and extend.
  • The talk encourages developers to be self-sufficient and not rely on others for change requests.
  • The presentation highlights the need for observability and other tools to enable developers.
  • IDP is not about creating a monolithic application, but about providing services that can be consumed by developers.