Wem gehören die Daten?

Discover the importance of stakeholder ecosystem and digitalization in IT, and learn how to create a networking system with the open industry, including the International Data Spaces Association, to drive connectivity and efficiency.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker notes that connectivity is no longer a case in the use case, highlighting the importance of stakeholder ecosystem and digitalization in IT.
  • The speaker mentions working with the open industry, including the workgroup, open edge platform, and the International Data Spaces Association, to create a networking system.
  • The gateway is considered a network where everything is connected, with all IT policies and proxies having their own networks.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of knowing about the fabric itself, including the financial aspect, and what needs to be done with it, including in the cloud.
  • The speaker notes that, in the production side, knowing about production design and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is crucial for evaluating the manufacturing effectiveness.