Why Cloud Native is the New Standard • Tibi Covaci & Eric Johnson

Discover the power of cloud native technology, where scalable, highly available, and flexible applications are built using cloud services like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and learn how it can reduce complexity and increase speed of delivery.

Key takeaways
  • Cloud native is about using services rather than coding everything from scratch.
  • It’s about leveraging services provided by cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Cloud native is not just about moving to the cloud, but about using cloud services to build applications.
  • Cloud native architecture is about designing applications to be scalable, highly available, and flexible.
  • Cloud native is about using cloud services to solve problems rather than building custom solutions.
  • Cloud native is about reducing complexity and increasing speed of delivery.
  • Cloud native is about using serverless computing, where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and Provides computing resources.
  • Cloud native is about using managed services like databases, caching, and messaging.
  • Cloud native is about integrating with other cloud services like IoT, AI, and machine learning.
  • Cloud native is about reducing costs by only paying for what you use.
  • Cloud native is about being able to scale up or down quickly to match changing demands.
  • Cloud native is about being able to build applications that are more efficient, less expensive, and more scalable.
  • Cloud native is about being able to Focus on writing code, rather than managing infrastructure.
  • Cloud native is about being able to deploy applications faster and more reliably.