Why You should be expecting more from the network edge | Hooman Beheshti (Fastly)

Discover how the network edge can revolutionize application performance, scalability, and security with independent code execution, cache invalidation, and more.

Key takeaways
  • The traditional CDN model is no longer sufficient, as it’s opaque and doesn’t give developers control over their applications.
  • The network edge is a critical layer that can enable faster, more scalable, and more secure applications.
  • The network edge can run independent pieces of code that can improve application performance and security.
  • The edge is a great place for cache invalidation, as it can respond to changing content in real-time.
  • The edge can also be used for forward proxying, to reduce the need for origin servers and improve application performance.
  • The CDN industry has evolved to become more programmable, with APIs for logging, configuration changes, and real-time purging.
  • The edge is where security policies should be enforced, as it’s the perimeter of the network.
  • The network edge can run edge logic, which enables developers to write code that runs close to their users.
  • Edge logic can be used for caching, authentication, and other purposes.
  • The edge can also be used for real-time logging, which can provide developers with immediate visibility into their applications.
  • Edge computing is not just about running code at the edge, but also about controlling and managing infrastructure and content.
  • The edge should be a place where developers can write code that’s aggressively optimized for performance and scalability.
  • The edge can be used for real-time analytics, A/B testing, and other purposes that require low latency and high performance.