Workshop: Rust for Artists - Lisa Passing - Rust Linz x Coder Dojo x Ars Electronica

Here is the rewritten meta description: "Learn the basics and beyond of the Rust programming language, from random number generation to pattern matching, and discover how to apply it to artistic applications with this interactive workshop."

Key takeaways
  • Rust is a flexible language that can be used for artistic applications, and its performance, reliability, and productivity make it suitable for creative coding.
  • Rust doesn’t come with a random number generator by default, but the rand crate can be used to generate random numbers.
  • Pattern matching is a useful feature in Rust that can be used to destructure data structures and handle different cases.
  • Rust’s type system is designed to be safe and prevent common programming errors, but it can also be used to create complex and expressive code.
  • The derive keyword can be used to automatically implement traits for certain types, such as the Debug trait.
  • The match statement in Rust is similar to pattern matching in other languages, and can be used to handle different cases and return different values.
  • The options keyword is used to define a type that has multiple variations or cases.
  • The match statement can be used to handle different cases and return different values, similar to a switch statement in other languages.
  • The if let statement can be used to handle different cases and return different values in a more concise way than the match statement.
  • The map function can be used to transform data structures and create new data based on existing data.
  • The filter function can be used to filter data structures and return only the values that meet certain criteria.
  • The collect function can be used to collect data from an iterator into a collection.
  • The for loop can be used to iterate over data structures and perform operations on each item.
  • The use statement can be used to bring in external crates or libraries and use their functions and types.
  • The const keyword can be used to define constants in Rust code.
  • The type keyword can be used to define new types and alias existing types.
  • The fn keyword can be used to define functions in Rust code.
  • The pub keyword can be used to make functions or types public and accessible from outside the crate.
  • The private keyword can be used to make functions or types private and inaccessible from outside the crate.
  • The struct keyword can be used to define new structures or data types in Rust code.
  • The enum keyword can be used to define new enumerations or variants in Rust code.
  • The match statement can be used to handle different cases and return different values in Rust code.
  • The if let statement can be used to handle different cases and return different values in Rust code.
  • The while loop can be used to iterate over data structures and perform operations on each item.
  • The loop statement can be used to create infinite loops in Rust code.
  • The break statement can be used to exit a loop or a returning function in Rust code.
  • The continue statement can be used to skip the current iteration of a loop and continue to the next iteration in Rust code.
  • The return statement can be used to exit a function and return a value in Rust code.