Writing JSON REST APIs in Go (Go from A to Z — Zürich Gophers Meetup)

Learn how to build robust JSON REST APIs in Go using the standard library, including encoding and decoding, middleware, context, goroutines, error handling, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Writing JSON REST APIs in Go is straightforward with the standard library.
  • The encoding/json package is used for encoding and decoding JSON.
  • Struct tags are used to map JSON fields to Go struct fields.
  • Middleware is a key concept in Go’s standard library, allowing for easy implementation of features like authentication and error handling.
  • The net/http package provides a robust HTTP client and server.
  • Context is a crucial concept in Go, allowing for easy cancellation of requests and timeouts.
  • Goroutines and channels are used to handle concurrency and asynchronous requests.
  • Error handling is crucial in Go, and the error type is used to represent errors.
  • JSON Web Token middleware is available for authentication and authorization.
  • Go’s standard library provides a robust set of tools for building web applications.
  • JSON APIs can be built using the standard library, without the need for external frameworks.
  • Middleware can be used to implement features like authentication, error handling, and logging.
  • Context can be used to manage request timeouts and cancellation.
  • Goroutines and channels can be used to handle concurrent requests and asynchronous processing.
  • Error handling is critical in Go, and the error type is used to represent errors.
  • Go’s standard library provides a robust set of tools for building web applications, making it easy to get started with building JSON REST APIs.