What's a front-end dev doing writing Go and why is the FBI here? - Kevin Centeno

Front-end developer Kevin Centeno shares his experience writing a Go program for IP geolocation, detailing its development, accuracy, and impact on stopping harassment and misuse of IP data.

Key takeaways
  • The author is a front-end developer who wrote a Go program and shares his experiences.
  • The program is for IP geolocation, which connects a public IP address to a real-world geographical location.
  • The program involves converting pixel coordinates to world coordinates and then to latitude and longitude.
  • The author notes that Go is a simpler and more compact language than Node.js.
  • The program was used to stop the harassment of residents at a farm in Kansas, USA, who had been falsely accused of crimes.
  • The program analyzed IP addresses and provided an accuracy radius, which was used to narrow down the location of the residents.
  • The author notes that the program was faster and more efficient than a similar program written in Node.js.
  • The author shares his experiences learning Go and how he found it to be a more intuitive language than he expected.
  • The program was able to provide accurate locations, including the center of the United States.
  • The author notes that the program was able to analyze locations quickly, with results within 5 milliseconds.
  • The program was also used to provide maps with customized styles, such as colors for different features.
  • The author mentions that the program was written in collaboration with the back-end team, who were relieved not to have to review JavaScript code and security checks on Node modules.
  • The author concludes that learning Go was a positive experience and that the language is more intuitive than he initially thought.
  • The program was used to stop the misuse of IP geolocation data, which had been used to track individuals down to their homes.