26 Heuristics For Effective Software Development – Allen Holub

"Learn 26 critical heuristics for effective software development, emphasizing the importance of trust, respect, psychological safety, collaboration, and continuous improvement in driving innovation and customer-centric success."

Key takeaways
  • Effective organizations are learning organizations where people are trusted to make decisions
  • Respect is important and means creating a safe environment where people feel comfortable speaking up and being heard
  • Psychological safety is an environment where people can speak without fear of retribution
  • Exploration and improvement should be encouraged, not hindered, by the organization’s processes
  • Cascading command-and-control hierarchies slow down innovation and collaboration
  • Learning is part of the work process, not something separate or optional
  • Organization-wide collaboration, not just within a single team, is essential for success
  • People are more important than processes and tools
  • Continuous improvement requires a culture of experimentation and learning
  • Agile should not be misunderstood as simply following a set of rules or using a specific tool or framework
  • Focus on customers and users, not just internal stakeholders or management
  • Cross-functional teams are more effective because they require collaboration and communication among different roles and disciplines
  • Metrics are not as important as the work itself; focus on making progress, not just monitoring numbers
  • Change is constant and unavoidable; flexible processes and tools are needed to adapt to new situations
  • User stories should describe the user’s work, not just the technical requirements
  • Ensemble programming and mobbing can improve speed and collaboration
  • One metric that helps is INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable), developed by Bill Wake
  • SAFE (Scaling Agile Framework for Enterprise) is not effective because it doesn’t understand the power of collaborative learning
  • Focus on improving the customer experience and implementing changes to support that goal