37C3 - DevOps but for artworks in museums

Learn how DevOps principles preserve and restore digital artworks, considering software updates, obsolescence, and collaboration.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker emphasizes the need to handle artworks that rely on software differently, considering the issues that arise when software breaks down.
  • The idea of “immutable” artworks is discussed, where an artwork remains unchanged even if the software underlying it becomes obsolete.
  • DevOps practices can be applied to artworks, focusing on preservation, restoration, and presentation.
  • The importance of understanding and explaining technical aspects of artworks is highlighted.
  • Hackerspaces and museums can collaborate to promote education and training on digital art conservation.
  • The speaker emphasizes that preserving digital art requires understanding the technology behind it and being part of the ecosystem.
  • There is a need for professionals in the field of digital art conservation and restoration.
  • The importance of flexibility and adaptability in digital art is discussed.
  • The speaker encourages treating digital art as a form of software, rather than a traditional artwork.
  • The role of education and training in understanding and preserving digital art is emphasized.
  • The speaker uses personal experiences to illustrate the challenges of preserving digital art, including the need for manual intervention, reverse engineering, and creativity.