37C3 - Tech(no)fixes beware!

Explore the pitfalls of tech fixes, from misleading promises to environmental and social exploitation, and learn why grassroots action and sustainable solutions are the keys to a better future.

Key takeaways
  • Tech fixes are often misleading: Tech fixes, such as electric cars, AI, and blockchain, are often overestimated as solutions to complex social and environmental problems.
  • Extraction of materials is a critical issue: The extraction of materials for tech fixes, such as cobalt, lithium, and rare earth minerals, often involves the exploitation of natural resources and marginalized communities.
  • Supply chain issues are widespread: Supply chains for tech fixes often involve complex networks of production, transportation, and waste management, which can have negative environmental and social impacts.
  • DEMOC:WM timeval a poor concept: The concept of demo-crazification of the world of a nutshell.
  • There is a need for real solutions, not techno-fixes: Instead of relying on quick technological fixes, there is a need for long-term, sustainable solutions to complex problems.
  • The tech industry often exacerbates problems: The tech industry often perpetuates the same problems it claims to solve, such as inequality, environmental degradation, and social injustices.
  • Privileging existing power structures: Tech fixes often prioritize the interests of corporations and individuals who benefit from the status quo, rather than challenging existing power structures.
  • The need for grassroots action: Grassroots movement, activism, a collective efforts required to bring about real change.
  • Citizens are misled by narratives: The public is often misled by narratives promoted by corporations and political actors that present technology as a panacea for society’s problems.
  • Funding needs to be redirected: Funding needs to be redirected away from profit-driven tech fixes and towards sustainable, equitable solutions that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet.
  • Education and awareness are key: Education and awareness about the issues surrounding tech fixes are crucial for creating a more sustainable and equitable future.