37C3 - Von der ePA zum EHDS: 7 Thesen zur aktuellen digitalen Gesundheitspolitik

"Evaluation of the EU's electronic health record system, exploring the flaws and suggesting a more practical approach to eHealth, focusing on interoperability, data security, and user-friendliness."

Key takeaways
  • The EU’s electronic health record (EHR) system, the ePA, has been criticized for its lack of interoperability and data security.
  • The speaker suggests that the EU’s focus on implementing an EHR system is misguided and that a more practical approach would be to develop a concept of electronic health (eHealth) that integrates existing systems and promotes interoperability.
  • The speaker argues that the current approach to eHealth is too narrow and focused on individual patient data, whereas in reality, healthcare systems are complex and require a more holistic approach.
  • The speaker criticizes the current ePA system for being overly complex and difficult to use, and suggests that a simpler, more user-friendly system would be more effective.
  • The speaker suggests that the EU should focus on developing a standardized approach to eHealth that can be used across different member states, rather than trying to implement a single, country-wide system.
  • The speaker argues that the EU’s eHealth strategy should prioritize data security and encryption, rather than just storing data in a central location.
  • The speaker suggests that the EU should adopt a more decentralized approach to eHealth, with data stored locally and transmitted securely to other healthcare providers as needed.
  • The speaker criticizes the current approach to eHealth for being too focused on technology and not enough on the needs of healthcare providers and patients.
  • The speaker suggests that the EU should prioritize developing a comprehensive strategy for eHealth that includes not only technology, but also education, training, and patient engagement.
  • The speaker argues that the EU’s eHealth strategy should prioritize promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing disease, rather than just focusing on treatment and cure.
  • The speaker suggests that the EU should adopt a more holistic approach to healthcare, incorporating aspects of psychosocial care and public health.